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every one makes a difference between them. We always speak of mind as different from matter, one is something and the other is apparently nothing, or it is like velocity which seems to be the result of motion. There is another element called reason (like friction) which sees the effect, but being ignorant of the cause, puts weight and velocity together and calls them one. We are all taught to believe that mind is wisdom and here is the trouble, for if mind is wisdom then Wisdom cannot be relied on, for all will admit that the mind changes. Jesus separates the two by calling one the wisdom of this world and the other the wisdom of God. If we understand what He meant by “this world” we can follow Him.

I have spoken of that element in man called reason. This is a low intellect a little above the brute which is the link between God and mind, and the same that is called by Jesus the wisdom of the world, for this world is another name for spiritual matter. Now mind is the spiritual earth which receives the seed of Wisdom, and also the seeds of the wisdom of this world of reason. Disease is the fruit of the latter, and the application of the wisdom of God or Science is the clearing away the foul rubbish that springs up in the soil or mind. This rubbish is the false ideas sown in the mind by blind guides, who cry peace when there is no peace. Their wisdom is of this world that must come to an end, when the fire of Truth shall run through this world of error and burn up the stubble and the plough of Science, guided by the wisdom of God and pressed forward by the power of eternal truth, shall root out of the mind or matter every root and stubble. Then error can find no place to take root in the soil. Then minds like a rich cultivated vineyard shall bring forth that which shall be sweet to the taste and pleasing to the eye. Then man can see and judge of the tree for himself, whether its fruits are those of error and opinions or of Science.


It is a common remark that if Jesus should appear on earth and could hear the explanations given to the remarks which he made eighteen hundred years ago, He never would imagine that He was in any way alluded to. This may be true. Jesus was as any other man, but Christ was the Science which Jesus tried to teach. There never was and never can be a man who can express his thoughts without being governed more or less