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way of curing?” He said he had no name.[1] “Well,” said I, “is it original with you?” He said he never knew anyone who cured as he did. “Can you give me some idea how you cure?” He said, “it would be very hard to convince a person how he felt unless I feel myself.” “Yes,” I said, “it would be hard for you to tell my feelings.” “Well,” said he, “if I tell you how you feel will you admit it?” “Certainly, but how do you cure?” He answered, “I will illustrate one thing. Do you believe the Bible?” “Certainly,” I said. “When Jesus said to His disciples ‘a little while I am with you, then I go my way and you shall seek me. Where I go you cannot come,’ What did He mean by the passage?” “I suppose He spoke of the crucifixion.” “Then you think,” said he, “that Jesus alluded to another world when He said ‘If you loved me you would rejoice that I go to the Father. . . . In another place He says ‘if I do not go away the Comforter will not come, but if I go away I will send the Comforter who will guide you to all truth.’ Now I suppose you think all this refers to another world?” I said, “Yes.”

“Well,” said he, “now I will sit down and see if I can tell your feelings.” He then sat down and took my hand and soon passed his hand on one of the vertebrae of my spine and said “You have a very sharp pain in this vertebra at this time.” I said I had. Then he placed his hand on the left temple and said “you have a very bad pain here and it affects the sight of your left eye.” I then told him he was right. “Now,” said he, “I will explain how I cure. Will you admit that Jesus took upon Himself our infirmities?” I said yes. "Have I not taken your pain in the spine, also in the temples and eyes?” “Yes,” I said. “I will now explain those passages which I have mentioned. My theory is that disease is the invention of man, a burden bound on the people, laid on their shoulders, grievous to be borne; that man has been deceived and led away and is unable to get back to health and happiness; that Jesus' mission was to break the bands that bound the sick and restore them to health and happiness. In order to do this He had to find them, for they had wandered away like sheep without a shepherd. So He took their aches and

  1. This is the kind of statement a critic distorted into the notion that Dr. Quimby did not know how he cured.