Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/397

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THE FOREST. 337 through a bundred million lives? Without any difficulty'a woman attains to salvation, if only without guile she adhere to her duty as while she, who lives to despite her spouse, becomes a widow while still a girl. a faithful wife ; Sorathá 4. An utterly wicked woman who is faithful to her husband has a happy fate when she dies; so sing the four Vedas and so too in these days sings Hari's poor friend, Talsi. Hearken, Síta ; a woman will be kept faithful, if she invoke your name; for you love Ráma like your own life ; these words that I say are for the good of the world." Chaupái. On hearing this Júnaki was overjoyed and reverently bowed her head at her feet. Then the All-merciful said to the saint, "With your permission I would go to some other wood. Continue to be ever gracious to me and know- ing me to be your servant, cease not your kindness." On hearing this speech of the Lord, the champion of righteousness, the wise saint affectionately replied : "O Ráma, you are he whose favour is desired by Brahma, Siva, Sanat-kumára, and the other gods and by all the preachers of salvation; the passionless, the kindly, the friend of the helpless, who thus modestly bespeak me. Now I understand the cleverness of Lakshmi, who has left every other god and wor- ships you alone. Of a truth there is none your equal ; how then could your goodness be other than it is ? How can I, my lord, tell you what wood to visit? Say, master, for you read the heart." Having thus spoken, the saint strong-minded as he was, trembled in every limb and his eyes streamed with tears as he gazed upon the Lord. Chhand 2. Trembling exceedingly in every limb he fixed his loving eyes upon his lotus face : " It is the reward of prayer and penance that I have beheld the Lord, who transcends the senses and every faculty of thought and reason." By prayer and meditation and religious observances men attain to the crowning virtue of faith; therefore day and night Tulsi Dás sings the holy acts of Raghu- bír. Dohá 3. Ráma's praises remove the pollution of this wicked age, subdue the soul, are the source of beatitude; and Ráma continues gracious to all who reverently hear them. 85