Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/406

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346 THE FOREST. Chaupái. Without nose and ears she was as hideous to look upon as a mountain flow- ing with torrents of red ochre. She went moaning to Khara and Dúshan ; "A curse, a curse, I say, on your manhood and strength, brother." They ques- tioned and she told them all. When they heard, the demons gathered an army, and a swarming multitude of fiends rushed forth like so many winged mountains of darkness, on diverse vehicles, of diverse shapes, armed with diverse weapons, terrible and beyond number. At the head went Súrpa-nakhá in hideous guise, without ears and nose. Many fearful omens of ill occurred, but the host heeded them not, being all death-doomed. They shouted, they defied the enemy, they leaped in the air, their captains inspected the ranks and rejoiced exceedingly. Said one, Capture the two brothers alive and then take and kill them and carry off The vault of heaven was filled with the dust of them. Ráma call- the bride.' ed his brother and said : "Take Jánaki away to some mountain-cave; a terrible array of demons has come ; remain on your guard. " Obedient to his lord's com- mand he took his bow and arrows in hand and led Síta away. When Ráma saw that the hostile force had drawn near, he smiled as he strung his massive bow. Chhand 3. As he strung his massive bow and bound up his long hair in a knot on his head, he seemed as it were a sapphire rock encircled with flashes of lightning and with two snakes entwining its summit. As the Lord girded up his quiver by his side and clasped the bow in his mighty arm and fitted the arrow to the string, he glared with the glance of a lion on a herd of elephants. Sorathá 6. The warriors came on with a rush, shouting 'seize him, seize him,' for they saw that he was alone : the demons closed round upon him, but he stood as the rising sun, Chaupái. and at the sight of his majesty they could not discharge their arrows ; the whole demon host became powerless. Khara and Dúshan summoned their ministers and said : " This ornament of the human race must be some king's son. Nágas, demons, gods, men and saints of all sorts I have seen, conquered and slain ; but in the whole of my life-mark me, my brethren all-I have never seen such beauty. Though he has disfigured my sister, so incomparable a hero is not worthy of death. 'At once put away and surrender your bride and return home