Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/410

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THE FOREST. O9E. Chaupái. “Among gods, men and demons, serpents and birds, there is none who can withstand my servants; and Khara and Dúshan were my own equals in strength who can have killed them, unless it be God himself ? If God has bccome inear- nate in order to rejoice the saints and relieve earth of its burden, then if I go and fight against him and lose my life by an arrow of the Lord's, I shall escape farther transmigration ; prayer will not do for one like me of demon form ; this is the plan upon which I am absolutely determined. If he is only some earthly king's son, I shall conquer them both in battle and carry off the bride." He mounted his chariot and went off alone to the spot where Márícha was living by the sea-shore. Hearken now, Umá, to the delectable account of the device that Ráma invented. Dohá 19. When Lakshman had gone into the wood to gather roots, fruits and herbs, the gentle and joyous god said with a smile to Janak's daughter : Chaupái. " Hearken, most lovely and amiable of faithful wives, I am going to act a fantastic human part. Be you absorbed into fire until I have completed the destruction of the demons." As soon as Ráma had finished speaking, she press- ed her lord's feet to her heart and entered into the fire, leaving only an image of herself, of exactly the same appearance and the same amiable and gentle dis- position. Lakshman did not know this mystery or that the god had taken any action. The Ten-headed approached Márícha and bowed his head, the selfish and contemptible wretch. When a mean creature bends, it is only to give more pain, like an elephant-goad, a bow, a snake, or a cat; the friendly speech of a churl is as portentous, Bhawáni, as flowers that blossom out of season. Dohá 20. After doing him homage, Márícha respectfully enquired of him his busi- " What is the cause, my son, that you have come so disturbed in mind ness : and all alone ?" Chaupái, Rávan put the whole matter before him and added presumptaously-the wretch- Do you for the purpose of deception assume the form of a deer, and by this means, I shall be able to carry off the princess." He replied :-"Hear- ken, Rávan ; though in form as a man, this is the lord of all animate and inani-