Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/420

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360 THE FOREST. of mark in the world. His greatest strength lies in woman, any one who can escape her is a mighty champion indeed. Dohá 33. Brother, there are three evils of surpassing strength, love, anger, and greed: in an instant they upset the souls of the wisest philosopher. The weapons of greed are desire and pride; of love nothing but woman; while anger's weapon is harsh speech; so thoughtful sages have declared." Chaupái. O Umá, Ráma is without attributes, the lord of all animate and inanimate creation, and knows all secrets; yet he exhibited all the distress of a lover no less than the detachment and steadfastness of a philosopher. Anger, love, greed, pride, delusion, all are dissipated by the grace of Ráma, and the only man superior to all this jugglery is he to whom the great conjuror has shewn favour.' I tell you, Umá, what is my conclusion; the worship of Hari is real and all the world is a dream. The Lord went on from there to the shore of the deep and beautiful lake called Pampá; its water as clear as the soul of the saints; with charming flights of steps on each of its four sides ; where beasts of different kinds came as they listed, to drink of the flood, like crowds of beggars at a good man's gate. Dohá 34. Under its cover of dense lotus-leaves the water was as difficult to distinguish as is the unembodied supreme spirit under the veil of delusive phenomena. The happy fish were all in placid repose at the bottom of the deep pool, like the days of the righteous that are passed in peace. Chaupái. Lotuses of many colours displayed their flowers; there was a buzzing of garrulous bees, both honey-makers and humble bees ; while swans and water- fowl were so noisy, you would think they had recognized the Lord and were telling his praises. The geese and cranes and other birds were so numerous that only seeing would be believing, no words could describe them. The de- lightful voice of so many beautiful birds seemed as an invitation to the wayfarers. The saints had built themselves a house near the lake with magnificent forest- trees all around, the champa, the málsari, the kadamb and tamála, the pátala, the I That is to say, whom he has taken behind the scenes.