Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/463

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Think and see for yourself, apart from pride and vanity. Without her clothes, Rávan, a modest woman, however richly adorned with jewels, is a shameful sight; and so is wealth, or dominion, without Ráma, gone at once, gotten as if not gotten at all. Those rivers, that have no perennial source, flow only after rain and then soon dry up again. Hearken, Rávan; I tell you on my oath, if Ráma is against you, there is none who can save you. Siva, Sesh-nág, Vishnu and Brahma cannot protect you, if you are Ráma's enemy.

Dohá 23.

Arrogance is a root fruitful of many thorns; abandon violence and pride, and worship Ráma, the prince of the Raghu race, the Ocean of Compassion, the Lord God."


Though the monkey bespoke him in such friendly wise, in words full of faith and discretion, piety and sound judgment, he laughed and replied with the highest disdain: "What a sage adviser I have found, and in a monkey too! Wretch, you have come within an inch of death for daring to give me such vile counsel." "It will be contrariwise " said Hanumán; "you will acknowledge the error of your soul, I know well." On hearing the monkey's words, he ground his teeth in a fury. "Quick, some of you, and put an end to this fool's life." The demons obeyed and rushed forward to slay him, but Vibhíshan and his ministers advanced and bowing the head made humble petition: "It is against all state craft; an ambassador must not be killed. Punish him in some other way, Sire." All exclaimed to one another, 'this is sound counsel, friend.' Rávan on hearing it, replied with a langh: "Let the monkey go then, but mutilate him first.

Dohá 24.

A monkey is proud of his tail" (so he went on to say), "bind it with rags steeped in oil and then set fire to them.


The poor tail-less wretch can then go back and fetch his master, and I shall have an opportuuity of seeing his might, whom he has so extravagantly exalted." The monkey smiled to himself to hear this. 'Sárad, I know, will help me.' Obedient to Rávan's command the demons began making their foolish preparations. Not a rag was left in the city nor a drop of ghi or oil, to such a length the tail had grown. Then they made sport of him. The citizens crowded to see the sight, and struck him with their feet and jeered him greatly,