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Dohá 31.

O fountain of mercy, cach single moment seems an age ere it passes. Set out at once, my lord, and with your mighty arm vanquish the miscreant crew and deliver her."


On hearing of Síta's distress, the lotus eyes of the Lord, the abode of bliss, overflowed with tears. "When in thought, word and deed, a believer follows in my steps, what ought he to know of misfortune?" Said Hanumán: "There is no misfortune, my lord, except to forget you and your worship. Of what account are the demons to' my lord, who can rout them at once and recover Sita." "Hearken, O monkey; neither god, nor man, nor saint that has ever been born into this world, has been such a benefactor to me as you. What return can I make you? There is none that occurs to my mind. Mark me, my son; I am not free from my obligation to you; I will think and see what I can do." Again and again as the deliverer of the gods gazed upon the monkey, his eyes filled with tears and his whole body quivered with emotion.

Dohá 32.

As he listened to his lord's words and looked upon his face, Hanumán was enraptured, and in an ecstasy of love fell at his feet, crying, 'save me, save me, O my Lord God.'


Again and again his lord sought to raise him up, but he was so absorbed in devotion that he would not rise. (As he called to mind the Lord with his lotus hands thus placed on the monkey's head, Siva himself was overcome with emotion; but again, restraining his feelings, he proceeded, with the charming narrative.) After raising the monkey, the Lord embraced him and took him by the hand and seated him close by his side: "Tell me, O monkey, about Rávan's stronghold, of Lanká, and how you were able in such an offhand way to burn down his fort." Seeing his lord so gracious, Hanumán replied in terms of singular modesty: "A monkey forsooth is a creature of singular prowess to skip about as he does from bough to bough. When I leaped across the sea, burnt down the golden city, routed the demon host and laid waste the grove, it was all done through your power, Raghurái; it was no strength of mine, my lord.