Page:The Rámáyana of Tulsi Dás.djvu/48

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6. CHILDHOOD. Chaupái. When the Creator gives men this faculty of judgment, they aiandon error and become enamoured of the truth ; but conquered by time, temperament, or fate, even the good, as a result of their humanity, may err from virtue; but Hari takes their body-so to speak-and corrects it, and removing all sorrow and sin cleanses it and glorifies them. If the bad through intercourse with the good do good, their inherent badness is not effaced. An impostor of fair outward show may be honoured on account of his garb, but in the end he is exposed and does not succeed, like Kála-nemi, or Rávan, or Ráhu. The good are honoured, not- withstanding their mean appearance, like the bear Jámavant or the monkey Hanumán. Bad company is loss, and good company is gain; this is a truth recognized both by the world and the Veda. In company with the wind the dust flies heavenwards; if it joins water, it becomes mud and sinks. According to the character of the house in which a parrot or maina is trained, it learns either to repeat the name of Ráma or to give abuse. With the ignorant soot is mere re- fuse; but it may make good ink, and be used even for copying a Purána; while water, fire, and air combined become an earth-refreshing rain-cloud, Dohá 8-11. The planets, medicines, water, air, clothes, all are good or bad things according as their accompaniments are good or bad; and people observe this distinction. Both lunar fortnights are equal as regards darkness and light; but a difference in name has been wisely made, and as the moon waxes or wanes the fortnight is held in high or low esteem. Knowing that the whole universe, whether animate or inanimate, is pervaded by the spirit of Ráma, I reverence. with clasped hands the lotus feet of all-gods, giants, men, serpents, birds, ghosts, departed ancestors, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, demons of the night-I pray ye all be gracious to me. Chaupái. By four modes of birth? are produced 84 lakhs of species inhabiting the air, the water and the earth. With clasped hands I perform an act of adoration, recognizing the whole world as pervaded by the spirit of Sita aud Ráma. In 1 Kála-nemi by assuming the form of an ascetic imposed for a time upon Hanumán, as Báran did upon Síta : and even Vishnu, at the churning appeared like one of the gods. 2 The four ákaras, or modes of birth, are named pindaja, or viviparons; andaja, or oviparous; Sioedaju, born in sweat, like lice; and udbhija, produced by sprouting, like a tree. The S4 lakhs of species are divided as follows : 9 lakhs of aquntic creatures, 27 lakhs of those attached to the carth, 11 lakhs of insects, 10 lakhs of birds, 23 lakhs of quadrupeds, and 4 lakhs of men. The literal meaning of ákara being a mine, khảni, which has the same primary siguification, is used for it in Chaup ái 44. the occan, was at first deceived by Ráhu, who