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city. He was of course followed by the valorous little Raphael. Our horses, and a fat saddle mule pertaining to our stud, were safely housed at a livery stable in the vicinity, yclept the "Washington;" where a tall, raw-boned Kentuckian, from the backwoods, presided, under the dignified and dulcet title of Don Floresco!

Garcia, a new equery and valet, knowing in the streets and resources of the capital, and in the most approved ways of emptying the purses of los signores estrangeros, had been hired to be our attendant.

Against honest Miguel we had no complaint to make, except that he was ill looking, and a borrachio, a title which may be applied without offence to many respectable gentlemen in the western hemisphere, as well as to a poor Mexican mestizzo. He had now exacted from us a precise document, bearing witness to his qualifications and character, and mounting his active pad, had turned his face towards the coast.

A fresh skin, the brush, and an English tailor, had done something towards making us presentable—in our own opinion. Letters of credence and introduction had been delivered; the proper visits made; and we were now at liberty, each to follow his own devices.

De Pourtales being somewhat indisposed, took it into his head to consult Dr. C——, to take exceeding care of his health, and to remain a great deal within doors, philosophizing and discussing unknown fruits—the sapote prieto, the sapote chico, the sapote borrachio, and the sapote blanco—the lucious avocate and mamei, the vaunted chirimoya, and the sweet grandita. He took siestas both before and after dinner, and he received visits. M'Euen also got a most unaccountable fit of the fine gentleman; reclined a great deal, and read considerably; and, for some days, except on extraordinary occasions, a lounge on the Alameda, or under the Portales de las Flores, was very hard to put in motion.

As for your humble servant, he was never in better health and spirits in his life; and knowing that the time was circumscribed, thought to make the best use of the opportunity. Being in a great degree left to chalk out