Page:The Real Cause of the High Price of Gold Bullion.djvu/49

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have been sometimes puzzled and perplexed, it may not be easy to obtain any early decision, as to what shall be the final system, in which the country is to repose.

It is hoped, however, that the public mind be satisfied upon one point, that the Parliament does not mean to act by arbitrary force; that it will not cramp circulation, merely to lower the market price of Gold: but let the Bank be desired to act with the same unfettered discretion, as hitherto, so that the merchant may not be driven to bankruptcy by a false theory. Let the public mind be set at rest. Let it feel assured, that the protecting and fostering hand of Parliament will aid and encourage the genuine speculations of commercial and manufacturing ingenuity, and that the same accommodations will be continued to uphold, as were supplied to induce the investment of capital. Till such an assurance be made, all efforts must be contracted, all exertions paralysed, confidence must shrink, and general prosperity languish.


M. Brown, Printer, 86, St. Martin's Lane.