Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/205

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with him. Edmond was going to explain to him for what purpose he had come there, when the hairy figure without replying took up his gun and was in the act of firing at him, a cracked voice from behind a projection of the rock, cried out: "For God’s sake stop, brother Mazel!" at the same moment two naked brown arms fell on the breast of the armed man and dashed the gun on the ground. "He is no spy, he cannot be such!" exclaimed the half-naked man, "it is the young Lord of Beauvais."

As Edmond looked round he saw Eustace, the charcoal-burner whom he knew very well, standing before him.

"How came you to this secret place?" said the invalid, who was taken care of here.

Edmond now saw several strange faces which gathered round to examine him with looks of curiosity. The young man experienced a singular sensation on beholding these ragged, wretched looking figures,