Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/230

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This then is no human fancy that gladdened me, but the true spirit of the Almighty that impels me onward, and the bishop, the king himself, even our prophets may advance threateningly and imploringly towards me in vain in these highly consecrated moments, nay should an angel descend from heaven and call out to me to desist, I would not listen to it. Thus I am brethren, and I neither can nor will be otherwise, this I swear here, by the Eternal God!"

With these last words, he lifted his ponderous sword towards heaven, and then struck it so forcibly against the rocky ground, that it clattered loudly. Ravanel exclaimed as if possessed: "An Elias! an Elias!" and threw himself upon the breast of the ferocious man; the rest were silent, and, Roland again came forward with a calm countenance, and as if embarrassed. " What is your decision my brethren?" demanded he with a deep sigh.

"The decision is diffcult," said Con-