Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/242

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quainted with his will, followed him accompanied by Catinat. The man, who had escaped from the robbers, was also of the party in order to trace the villains. Edmond in the mean while had been removed. He lay in a hut formed of plaited branches upon a couch of moss, Abraham Mazel had followed to take care of him. The other leaders had also retired deeper into the wood with their troops. Roland, now nearly alone, walked up and down on the mountain plain, gave out orders, appointed new posts, and dispatched a troop under Valmal to procure provisions. Soon afterwards, Roland received intelligence through the centinels of the outposts, that they perceived in the direction of Rouergue a great number of men that, from their appearance, might be taken for the country militia. "These," said Roland, "will not be so unwise as to attack us in this strong place." A messenger came to announce that the approaching people had raised a great cry, and were not marching but advancing with-