Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/248

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we there in devotion, thought, and prayed, all the delightful Easter and Whitsuntide festivals, the pleasing solitude of the long winter evenings, and the exemplary conversations of the old men, all, all is vanished in this hideous fire."

"No more! no more!" shrieked the women, and the children wept aloud.

"All this," continued the speaker, "happened to us, dear Roland, on your account alone, for they know well, the persecutors! that we have in our hearts been with you, so many of your bravest men are from among us. They extirpate us, especially because our valleys and mountains border on the district of Vivares, and through our country Catinat and Cavalier attempted to penetrate. Friend, brother! here we are now, and assuredly many more active men from other districts will run to you, for they will not suffer what will be required of them. Come, lead ns on, thrust us into the thickest of the fight, when thousands stand close in front of their cannons, and with