Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/251

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arranged thus from the beginning. The troops must bring us arms up into the mountains, and a gun which oneself has wrested from a strange foe is quite a different arm to what one buys. Pooh! who would give money for iron and arms, as long as the Marshal will still so kindly give himself the trouble to send out his people in heat and rain, that they may laborionsly enough provide us very conveniently with arms, which he himself with his Intendant and his baton will have reason to fear. Thus thinks a true Camisard. Clothing also shall they deliver up to you, shoes and boots, but you must learn to be courteous and assist them, my countrymen, a little to undress. With a hundred such valets, Cavalier was here a short time since; they were all most gallantly equipped without being indebted a single denier to draper, or tailor."

Bertrand, who was resting upon his fowling piece, and whose tears still trickled down his cheeks, and over his weapon,