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During the course of a long (too long) and misspent life, the writer has been guilty of publishing a number of papers and magazines of a non-professional character and various degrees of inanity. These have largely contained matter inserted to please others, rather than the publisher.

The Recluse is the realization of a dream, long cherished, of the publication of a magazine to please the producer only. This foreword may be considered, therefore, as a declaration of independence. This magazine will contain only material pleasing to the publisher. If he takes a notion to publish an issue so “sophisticated” (overused word), as to be barred from the mails, he will do so even if he has to borrow a flivver to distribute the small edition. If he chooses to fill an issue with Methodist hymns he will do so. And all the gamut between. Be assured that everything in The Recluse has met the approval of the editor for one reason or another.

Its frequency of issue depends also upon the whim of the editor and the securing of material. Nothing will be paid for contributions, and the magazine will, as have former efforts, be issued as an amateur and money cannot buy it.