Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/165

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I?ECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, VIII Exports- of establishing Post-Offices, and raising a Revenue from them -- of regulating Indian Affairs -- of coining Money --fixing the Standard of Weights and Measures--of deter- mining in what Species of Money the public Treasury shall be supplied. The foederal judicial Court shall try Officers of the U.S. for all Crimes &C in their Offices- (and to this Court an Appeal shall be allowed from the Courts of) The Legislature of U.S. shall have the exclusive Right of instituting in each State a Court of Admiralty for hearing and determining maritime Causes. The power of impeaching shall be vested in the H. D.- The Senators and Judges of the foederal Court, be a Court for trying Impeachments. The Legislature of U.S. shall possess the exclusive Right of establishing the Government and Discipline of the Militia of- and of ordering the Militia of any State to any Place within U.S. mitted on the same Terms with the original States: But the Legislature may make Conditions with the new States (with Respect to) concerning the (then subsisting) public Debt (of the United States) which shall be then subsisting The United States st?all guaranty to each State a (A) Repub- lican Form of Government (shall be guarantied to each State by the United States); and (the) shall protect each State (from) against (domestic Violence) foreign In,axion and, on the Application of its Legislature (from foreign Invasions) against domestic Violence. This Constitution ought to be amended whenever such Amendment shall become necessary; and on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the States in the Union, the Legislature of the United States shall call a Convention for that Purpose. The Members o{ the Legislature, and the executive and Found among Wilson papers, a continuation of VI, se? above notes ?4 and x 5.