Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/185

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KECOKDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Monday MADISON ?lug?t 6 power of impeachment. It shall choose its Speaker and other officers. Sect. 7. Vacancies in the House of Representatives shall be supplied by writs of election from t'he executive authority of the State, in the representation from which it shall happen. v Sect. I. The Senate of the United States shall be chosen by the Legislatures of the several States. Each Legislature shall chuse two members. Vacancies may be supplied by the Executive until the next meeting of the Legislature. Each member shall have one vote. Sect. 2. The Senators shall be chosen for six years; but immediatel 7 after the first election they shall be divided, by lot, into three classes, as nearly as may be, numbered one, two and three. The seats of the members of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that a third part of the members may be chosen every second year. Sect. 3. Every member of the Senate shall be of the age of thirty years at least; shall have been a citizen in the United States for at least four years before his election; and shall be, at the time of his election, a resident of the State for which he shall be chosen. Sect. 4- The Senate shall chuse its own President and other officers. vI Sect. I. The times and places and [the] manner of holding the elections of the members of each House shall be prescribed by the Legislature of each State; but their provisions con- cerning them may, at any time, be altered by the Legislature of the United States. Sect. 2. The Legislature of the United States shall have authority to establish such uniform qualifications of the mem- bers of each House, with regard to property, as to the said Legislature shall seem expedient.