Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/393

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION 387 Thursday MADISON .4ugust 2 5 to the States separately than the requisitions have been hither- to paid by them. The States neglect their Militia now, and the more they are consolidated into one nation, the less each will rely on its own interior provisions for its safety & the less prepare its Militia for that purpose; in like manner as the Militia of a State would have been still more neglected than it has been if each County had been independently charged with the care of its Militia. The Discipline of the Militia is evidently a National concern, and ought to be provided for in the National Constitution. Mr L-- Martin was confident that the States would never give up the power over the Militia; and that, if they were (to do so,) the militia would be less attended to by the Genl. than by the State Governments. Mr Randolph asked what danger there could be that the Militia could be brought into the field and made to commit suicide on themselves. This is a power that cannot from its nature be abused, unless indeed the whole mass should be corrupted. He was for trammelling the Genl Govt. whenever there was danger. but here there could be none-- He urged this as an essential point; observing that the Militia were every where neglected by the State Legislatures, the members of which courted popularity too much to enforce a proper discipline. Leaving the appointment of officers to the States protects the people agst. every apprehension that could pro- duce murmur. On Question on Mr. Elsworth's Motion N.H. no. Mas--no--Ct. a 7. N.J. no. Pa. no. Dd. no. Md. no. Va no? N--C. no. S. C no. Geo. no. [Ayes- I; noes -- io.] A motion was then made to recommlt the :?d ?lause Which was negatived. On the question to agree to the xst. part of the clause, namely "To make laws for organizing arming & disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be em- ployed in the service of the U. S". N. H a 7. Mas. ay. Ct. no. N.J. ay. Pa. ay. Del. a�. Md