Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/561

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ?o, ?787. JOURNAL Monday September m. ?787. It was moved and seconded to reconsider the ?9th article which passed in the affirmative [Ayes- 9; noes- ?; divided- L] It was moved and seconded to amend the ?9 article by adding the following clause. Or the Legislature may propose amendments to the sev- eral States, for their approbation, but no amendments shall be binding, until consented to by the several States. It was moved and seconded to insert the words "two thirds of" before the words "the several States" which passed in the negative [Ayes--5; noes--6.] It was moved and seconded to insert the words "three fourths" which passed in the affirmative. ["unanimous"] It was moved and seconded to postpone the consideration of the amendment in order to take up the following. "The Legislature of the United States, whenever two ?thirds of both Houses shall deem necessary, or on the ap- "plication of two thirds of the Legislatures of the several "States, shall propose amendments to this Constitution which "shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part thereof, "when the same shall have been ratified by three fourths at "least of the Legislatures of the several States, or by Conven- "tions in three fourths thereof, as one or the other mode ?'of ratification may be proposed by the Legislature of the "United-States: Provided that no amendments which may "be made prior to the year I8o8. shall in any manner affect "the 4th and 5th Sections of article the 7th On the question to postpone it passed in the affirmative 555