Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/569

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Monday MADISON $e p t?nbir Hamilton would fetter & embarrass Congs. as much as the eriginal one? since it equally involved a breach of the articles o{ Confederation. Mr. King concurred with Mr. Clymer. If Congress can accede to one mode, they can to the other. If the approba- tion of Congress be made necessary, and they should not approve, the State Legislatures will not propose the plan to Conventions; or if the States themselves are to provide that nine States shall suffice to establish the System, that pro- vision will be omitted, every thing will go into confusion, and all our labor be lost. Mr. Rutlidge viewed the matter in the same light with Mr. King On the question to postpone in order to take up Col: Hamiltons motion

N. H-- no. Mas. no. Ct. a�. N.J. no. Pa no. Del. no.

Md. no. Va. no. N-- C. no. S.C. no. Geo. no. [Ayes- x; noes- IO.] <A Question being then taken on the article XXI. It was agreed to, unanimously.)7 Col: I-Iamikon withdrew the remainder of the motion to postpone art XXII, observing that his purpose was defeated by the vote just given; Mr. Williamson & Mr. Gerry moved to re-lnstate the words "for the approbation of Congress" in art: XXII. which was disagreed to nero: con: Mr. Randolph took this opportunity to state his objections to the System. They turned on the Senate's being made the Court of Impeachment for trying the Executive- on the necessity of -} instead of ? of each house to overrule the nega- tive of the President- on the smallness of the number of the Representative branch,- on the want of limitation to a standing army- on the general clause concerning necessary and proper laws- on the want of some particular restraint on Navigation acts- on the power to lay duties on exports --on the Authority of the general Legislature to interpose Taken from Jo?r?alo