Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/585

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION 579 COMMITTEE OF STYLE The Members of the Legislatures, and the executive and judicial officers of the United States, and o� the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support thls Con- stitution. But no religious test shall ever be required as a qualifi- cation to any office or public trust under the authority of the United States. XXI. The ratification of the Conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for organising this Constitution between the said States. XXII. This Constitution shall be lald before the United States in Congress assembled, and it is the opinion of this Convention that it should be afterwards submitted to a Convention chosen in each State, under the recommendation of its Legislature, in order to receive the ratification of such Convention. XXIII. To introduce this government, it is the opinion of this Convention, that each assenting Convention should notify its assent and ratification to the United States in Congress assem- bled; that Congress, after receiving the assent and ratification of the Conventions of nine States, should appoint and publish a day, as early as may be, and appoint a place for commencing proceedings under this Constitution; that after such publica- tion, the Legislatures of the several States should elect Mem- bers of the Senate, and direct the election of Members of the House of Representatives; and that the Members of the Legislature ?should meet at the time and place assigned by Congress and should, as soon as may be, after their meeting, proceed to execute this Constitution. That it be an instruction to the Committee to prepare an address to the People to accompany the present constitution,