Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/629

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P, ECOF, DS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Saturday MADISON September _roe rution. The people had been accustomed to such on great occaslon% and would expect it on this-- He moved that a Committee be appointed for the special purpose of preparing an Addres,s. Mr Rutledge objected on account of the delay it would produce and the impropriety of addressing the people before it was known whether Congress would approve and support the plan-- Congress, if an address be thought proper can prepare as good a one? The members of the Convention can also explain the reasons of what has been done to their respective Constituents. Mr Sherman concurred in the opinion that an address was both unnecessary and improper. On the motion of Mr. Carrol N-- H. no. Mss. no--- Ct. no. N-- J-- no. Pa ay. Del. ay. Md. ay-- Va. ay. N-- C.* abst. S.C. no.* Geo. no-- [Ayes -- 4; noes -- 6; absent -- ?.] Mr. Langdon. Some gentlemen have been very uneasy that no increase of the number of Representatives has been admitted. It has in particular been thought that one more ought to be allowed to N. Carolina. He was of opinion that an additional one was due both to that State & to Rho: Island. & moved to reconsider for that purpose. Mr. Sherman. When the Committee of eleven reported the apportionment-- five Representatives were thought the proper share of N-- Carolina. Subsequent information how- ever seemed to entitle that State to another-- On the motion to reconsider N-- H-- ay m Mss-- no. Ct ay-- N-- J. no-- Pen. divd. Del. ay. Md. ay. Va. ay-- N. C. a 7. S-- C. ay. Geo. ay. [Ayes -- 8; noes -- 2; divided -- x.] - Mr Langdon moved to add I member to each of the Repre- sentations of Nm Carolina & Rho: Island. Mr. King was agst. any change whatever as opening the door for delays. There had been no official proof that the numbers of N-- C are greater than before estimated. And he never could sign the Constitution if Rho: Island is to be .. *{In the printed Journal N. Carolina--no & 8, Carol: omitted.)