Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 3.djvu/141

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State from being obliged to enter &c. in another is particularly so. This provision was dictated by the jealousy of some particular States, and was inserted pretty late in the Session. The object of it was what you conjecture. The expression is certainly not accurate.

ⅭⅩⅩⅩⅨ. A Landholder [Oliver Ellsworth], Ⅰ.[1]

It proves the honesty and patriotism of the gentlemen who composed the general Convention, that they chose to submit their system to the people rather than the legislatures, whose decisions are often influenced by men in the higher departments of government, who have provided well for themselves and dread any change least they should be injured by its operation. I would not wish to exclude from a State Convention those gentlemen who compose the higher branches of the assemblies in the several states, but choose to see them stand on an even floor with their brethren, where the artifice of a small number cannot negative a vast majority of the people.

This danger was foreseen by the Federal Convention, and they have wisely avoided it by appealing directly to the people.

ⅭⅩⅬ. George Washington to Mrs. Macauly Graham.[2]

Mount Vernon Novber. 16th 1787

You will undoubtedly, before you receive this, have an opportunity of seeing the Plan of Government proposed by the Convention for the United States. You will very readily conceive, Madam, the difficulties which the Convention had to struggle against. The various and opposit interests which were to be conciliated—the local prejudices which were to be subdued, the diversity of opinions and sentiments which were to be reconciled; and in fine, the sacrifices which were necessary to be made on all sides for the General welfare, combined o make it a work of so intricate and difficult a nature that I think it is much to be wondered at that any thing could have been produced with such unanimity as the Constitution proposed.

ⅭⅩⅬⅠ. James Wilson in the Pennsylvania Convention.[3]

November 23, 1787.

Mr. Wilson then moved that the time of meeting and adjourning should be fixed, observing that with respect to the time of ad-

  1. P.L. Ford, Essays on the Constitution, 139–140. First printed in the Connecticut Courant of November 5, 1787.
  2. Documentary History of the Constitution, IV, 379.
  3. McMaster and Stone, Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitution, 216.