Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 3.djvu/379

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from its birth to its dissolution, and to those of the Congress under the present Government, that in no instance would it appear, from the yeas and nays, that a question had been decided by a division of the votes according to the size of the States. He considered this truth as affording the most pleasing and consoling reflection, and as one that ought to have the most conciliating and happy influence on the temper of all the States.

ⅭⅭⅬⅩⅩⅦ. William Findley in the House of Representatives.[1]

January 23, 1798.

When the Constitution of the United States was under consideration, it was well known to those members of the committee [of the whole] who were present at that time, (and some he saw,) that this [President’s power of appointing to office] was an important question. It was thrown into different shapes, until at last it was adopted, as it appeared in the Constitution. This regulation was adopted upon principle, and was not a mere arbitrary thing. The power of appointing to office was brought down by placing a part of it in the Legislature. It was further restrained by prohibiting any member of the Legislature from enjoying, during the period for which he was elected, any office which should have been created, or the emoluments of which should have been increased, during that time. Thus, holding up to view the avenues by which corruption was most likely to enter.

ⅭⅭⅬⅩⅩⅢ. Baldwin: Incident in House of Representatives.[2]

1798March the 11th. ... Baldwin mentions at table the following fact. When the bank bill was under discussion in the House of Representatives, Judge Wilson came in, and was standing by Baldwin. Baldwin reminded him of the following fact which passed in the grand convention. Among the enumerated powers given to Congress, was one to erect corporations. It was, on debate, struck out. Several particular powers were then proposed. Among others, Robert Morris proposed to give Congress a power to establish a national bank. Gouverneur Morris opposed it, observing that it was extremely doubtful whether the constitution they were framing could ever be passed at all by the people of America; that to give it its best chance, however, they should make it as palatable as possible, and put nothing into

  1. Annals of Congress, Fifth Congress, Vol. Ⅰ, p. 905.
  2. Jefferson's Anas in T. J. Randolph, Memoir, Correspondence ... of Thomas Jefferson, Ⅳ, 506–507.