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The Red Badge of Courage.

An Episode of the American Civil War. By Stephen Crane. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00.

" Never before have we had the seamy side of glorious war so well depicted." — Chicago Evening Post

" Of such interest that no one having begun it will lay it aside until the end is reached." — Philadelphia Ledger.

" We have had many stories of the war ; this stands absolutely alone." — Boston Transcript.

" Has no parallel, unless it be Tolstoy's 'Sebastopol'" — San Francisco Chronicle.

"A strong book, and it is a true book; true to life." — The Critic.

" Has been surpassed by few writers dealing with war." — New York Mail and Express.

" So vivid is the picture of actual conflict that the reader comes face to face with war." — Atlantic Monthly.

" Original, striking, astonishing, powerful ; holding the attention with the force of genius." — Louisville Post. " The best novel which the war has yet produced." — Kansas City Journal.

New York: D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue.