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BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG. NIGEL BROWNING. By AGNES GIBERNE, Author of ‘ Miss Con,’ ‘ Ralph Hardcastle’s Will,’ .fee. Crown 8vo. 5s. ‘ The characters are lightly yet firmly drawn, the conversations are natural, and the whole story is thoroughly healthy.’- SCOTSMAN. SILVERTHORNS. By Mrs. MOLESWOBTH. With Illustra- tions by F. NOEL PATON. Crown 8vo. 5s. ‘ Boys and girls alike will be charmed by “ Silverthorns.” Nothing could be more simple than the plan of this story, yet the interest is deep and sustained from first to last.’ SATURDAY REVIEW. ‘ We can heartily recommend this story. The heroine is delightful, and the family and school life to which the story introduces us is very well drawn. It is a book that may be read by any grown person of good taste.’ GUARDIAN. ‘A most attractive book. The story is sure to be popular.’ LONDON FIGARO. THE PALACE IN THE GARDEN. By Mrs. MOLES- WOBTH. With Illustrations by HARRIET M. BENNETT. Crown 8vo. 5*. ‘ One of the most perfect of Mrs. Molesworth’s children’s stories. The illustrations are very good, and the book is altogether very prettily and daintily got up.’ GUARDIAN. ‘Children of both sexes will be charmed with Mrs. Molesworth’s newest contribution to juvenile literature, “The Palace in the Garden.”’ MORNING POST. ‘ Mrs. Molesworth has written several charming stories for children, but none more pleasantly conceived to rouse the wonder and admiration of her little readers than the tale of “ The Palace in the Garden.” ‘SCOTSMAN. THE THIRD MISS ST. QUENTIN. By Mrs. MOLES- WORTH. Crown 8vo. 6s. ‘A pretty and graceful story.’ SATURDAY RKVIKW. ‘ Mrs. Molesworth surpasses herself in her book.’ MORNING POST. NEIGHBOURS. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH. With Illustra- tions by M. ELLEN EDWARDS. Crown 8vo. 6*. THE STORY OF A SPRING MORNING, &c. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH, Author of ‘ Carrots,’ The Palace in the Garden,’ c. With Illustrations by M. ELLEN EDWARDS. Crown 8vo. 5s. ‘ These stories are various in character, are all more or less humorous, and all charming. ... In no previous volume has Mrs. Molesworth’s pre-eminence as a creator of real child character been more conspicuous.’ SCOTSMAN. RALPH HARDCASTLE’S WILL. By AGNES GIBEENE. With Frontispiece. Crown 8vo. 5s. ‘A cleverly- written story of strong domestic interest.’ SCOTSMAN. ‘A tale of much interest, and written in an excellent style.’ GLASGOW HERALD. ‘ Decidedly good reading. Audrey is really a fascinating creature. Children will follow her fortunes breathlessly.’ ATHENAEUM. ‘ Told with great spirit.’ ACADEMY.