Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/109

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"Mother, do you want me to marry him?"


"Do you, mother?"

Mrs. Martin went to the window again, and came back. "I want the happiness of you two people more than anything on earth. If it is to come to you through each other, then I want to see you married."

"If you'd like it, mother, I'll marry him."

"You must be sure of yourself, Priscilla. It would be very terrible if a child of mine should fail him," she added, half to herself.

"Oh, I want so to please you both, mother—you and him. You are the two people I admire the most. But I don't see how I could bear it to go away from you. We'll all have to live together, won't we?"

"We'll see, dear, when the time comes. I think I'll go now—I'm a little tired." She gathered the girl into her arms and kissed her tenderly. "I hope this man may bring all the happiness to you, my girl, that I haven't brought, and I hope you'll give all