Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/128

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"Heart's dearest," he said, "I never knew, I never thought! To me the inspiration of the hours we spent together had to have its outlet; all that you awakened in me, dear, that I had never dreamed of, had to come to fruition, and it has blossomed in this book—this book that is you! Dear, I'll burn the book, if that will be atonement;" he said it solemnly, like a father offering to sacrifice his child.

"Oh, my dear, my heart of hearts, don't say such athing! Don't say anything more. I didn't mean it—it just came out in spite of me. Oh, Tony, it's just as I feared! I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy."

"Worthy, Priscilla? Don't!"

"I'm only a hindrance."

"Priscilla, you hurt me more than you know."

She drew his face down to her and kissed his forehead, his eyes, and, last of all, his lips. "Forgive me, and love me, Tony—love me half as well as I love you, and I'll be satisfied." She went to the tea-table, and mo-