Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/21

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we're all delighted to have ye home fur good."

"Thanks—it's just heavenly to be here."

Mrs. Martin watched Mary's pleased exit and the girl's flush of pleasure. "I thought you were going to kiss her, Priscilla," she said, in amused sarcasm.

The girl flushed. "Was I too enthusiastic? You see, I just love Mary; she means home to me—she and Hannah and the cook. They were so good to me that last time I was here—I was hardly ever lonesome."

"Indeed?" said Mrs. Martin, with a flash of anger at something the unconsidered speech implied. "How do you take your tea?"

"Lemon and two lumps, please."

Priscilla drew her chair opposite her mother's and fixed her eyes on her steadily.

"Isn't this sweet for us to be sitting here having tea together, mother?"

"Yes, isn't it nice? Now tell me about your two years of Europe."

"Oh, don't let's! Some other day for