Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/56

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idea coming out was like this. It's such fun, and everybody is so nice, and Peter—I mean Mr. Schuyler—dances grandly!"

"You don't tell me! I have never had my attention called to Peter's grandeur before."

"I think he's fine, don't you?"

"Yes—but let's talk about you instead of Peter."

"Oh, that's the trouble with me—there's never anything to say about me. Doesn't mother look lovely?" she added, catching sight of her as she passed the door.

"Yes, she does. She always does."

"Yes, but not always like to-night. I think people have heights of looks, like heights of happiness, don't you?"

"Do they? I'm afraid I don't notice those things much."

"No, I don't think you do—it shows in your books."

"Oh, does it?"

"Yes, you never make any one want to