Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/7

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"No? She seemed so to me. When does the little girl arrive, Mrs. Martin?"

"Priscilla? She comes to-morrow at five."

"Good! I shall come soon to see her, if I may. Good night."

"Good night."

He passed on toward the dressing-room, and a voice behind her said: "Well?" She turned, to face Mrs. Crompton's laughing eyes.

"He thinks you have 'spiritual quality'—them's his words," she gibed.

"Dear old soul!" Mrs. Crompton said.

"I remembered that hundred and fifty I won last week at bridge, and promised him an altar-cloth. Spiritual quality—that's great!"

She disappeared, laughing, and one by one the guests departed, until the door finally closed upon the last, and Mrs. Martin turned, with a sigh of relief, to the man who stood waiting.

"Shall I go?" he asked.

"Oh, no—smoke here."