Page:The Redemption of Anthony (1911).djvu/88

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"Yes, let's go home."

They put a mattress into a farm wagon and made her as comfortable as possible, the Parson sitting at her feet, to keep the rough bed steady, and Drake at her head. The farmer drove slowly and carefully. Every once in a while Drake swayed with heat and dizziness, but he pulled himself together, and once or twice, when Priscilla groaned, he came back from some other world, it seemed.

"Lie down beside her, Drake. I don't think you can hold out."

"I'll hold out," said Drake.

It seemed hours before the low bungalow came into view; and when they drove up, Drake saw Mrs. Crompton and the doctor in a mist. The doctor and The Parson lifted Priscilla's bed out and took her indoors. At the threshold of the living-room stood Mrs. Martin, pale and frightened. Drake went in and stood before her.

"See what I've done to her," he said.

Mrs. Martin glanced at Priscilla's white