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Don't cross your feet upon your desk, and tilt back in your chair,
But work—and Opportunity will know that you are there.
For him who makes some sort of stir, and tries his best to please,
Success holds out a helping hand, and offers him her keys.
No one can stop you, if you try; they need you up there. See?
This old world is not hardhearted, it's just what you make it be.

When you don't attain the office you imagine you deserve,
When in higher posts of duty you think you well could serve,
When you seem to be much better than the job you have by far,
Don't knock your boss and grumble—just show him that you are.
Work hard for him, and he'll soon see that you're the man to trust,
While the ones who shirked and "dogged it" will trail behind your dust.
From the time the morning grind begins, till the day's full course is run,
Work faithfully—your time's not yours—until your work be done.
And none will dare to keep you down, if you just mean to climb,
The world e'er looks for men who try, and pays well for their time.
Don't fear to be ambitious—hitch your wagon to a star—
Though you may not be a Lincoln, you'll be proud of what you are.
Success is reached by many a fall near Failure's dismal crater;
But for him who strives, defeat becomes a mighty Elevator—
So grit your teeth, and plod ahead; your rise will follow. See?
This old world is not hardhearted, it's just what you make it be.