Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/18

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Enter the two Kings, hand in hand.

Bayes.These are the two Kings of Brentford; take notice of their stile: 'twas never yet upon the Stage; but, if you like it, I could make a shift, perhaps, to shew you a whole Play, written all just so.

1 King. Did you observe their whisper, brother King?

2 King. I did; and heard besides a grave Bird sing That they intend, sweet-heart, to play us pranks.

Bayes. This, now, is familiar, because they are both persons of the same Qualitie.

Smi. 'Sdeath, this would make a man spew.

1 King. If that design appears,
1 King. I'l lug 'em by the ears
1 King. Until I make 'em crack.

2 King. And so will I, i'fack.

1 King. You must begin, Mon foy.

2 King. Sweet, Sir, Pardonnes moy.

Bayes. Mark that: I Makes 'em both speak French, to shew their breeding.

Johns. O, 'tis extraordinary fine.

2 King. Then, spite of Fate, we'l thus combined stand;
1 King. And, like true brothers, walk still hand in hand.

[Exeunt Reges.

Johns. This is a very Majestick Scene indeed.

Bayes. Ay, 'tis a crust, a lasting crust for your Rogue Critiques, I gad: I would fain see the proudest of 'em all but dare to nibble at this; I gad, if they do, this shall rub their gums for 'em, I promise you. It was I, you must know, writ the Play I told you of, in this very Stile: and shall I tell you a very good jest? I gad, the Players would not act it: ha, ha, ha.

Smi. That's impossible.
