Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/32

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Bayes. So, let me see. Enter Prince Volscius, going out of Town.

Smi. I thought he had been gone to Piccadillé.

Bayes. Yes, he gave out so; but that was onely to cover his design.

Johns. What design?

Bayes. Why, to head the Army, that lies conceal'd for him in Knights-bridge.

Johns. I see here is a great deal of Plot, Mr. Bayes.

Bayes. Yes, now it begins to break; but we shall have a world of more business anon.

Enter Prince Volscius, Cloris, Amarillis, and Harry with a Riding-Cloak and Boots.

Ama. Sir, you are cruel, thus to leave the Town,
And to retire to Country solitude.

Clo. We hop'd this Summer that we should at least
Have held the honour of your company.

Bayes. Held the honour of your Company! prettily exprest! Held the honour of your company! Godsookers, these fellows will never take notice of any thing.

Johns. I assure you, Sir, I admire it extreamly; I don't know what he does.

Bayes. I, I, he's a little envious; but 'tis no great matter. Come.

Ama. Pray let us two this single boon obtain,
Ama. That you will here with poor us still remain.
Ama. Before your Horses come pronounce our fate,
Ama. For then, alas, I fear 'twill be too late.

Bayes. Sad!

Vols. Harry, my Boots; for I'l go rage among
My Blades encamp'd, and quit this Urban throng.

Smi. But pray, Mr. Bayes, is not this a little difficult, that you were saying e'en now, to keep an Army thus conceal'd in Knights-bridge.

Bayes. In Knights-bridge? stay.

Johns. No, not if the Inn-keepers be his friends.
