Page:The Rehearsal - Villiers (1672).djvu/50

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to the Kings of Brentford; and since deriv'd, with a little alteration, to the Inns of Court.

An Alarm. Enter two Heralds.

1 King. What sawcie Groom molests our privacies?

1 Her. The Army's at the door, and in disguise,
1 Her. Desires a word with both your Majesties:

2 Her. Having, from Knights-bridge, hither march'd by stealth.

2 King. Bid 'em attend a while, and drink our health.

Smi. How, Mr. Bayes, the Army in disguise?

Bayes. Ay, Sir, for fear the Usurpers might discover them that went out but just now.

Smi. Why, what if they had discover'd them?

Bayes. Why then they had broke this design.

Smi. That's true, indeed. I did not think of that.

1 King. Here, take five Guineys for those warlike men.

2 King. And here's five more; that makes the sum just ten.

1 Her. We have not seen so much the Lord knows when. [Exeunt Heralds.

1 King. Speak on, brave Amarillis.

Ama. Invincible Soveraigns, blame not my modesty, If at this grand conjuncture——

[Drum beats behind the Stage.

1 King. What dreadful noise is this that comes and goes?

Enter a Soldier with his Sword drawn.

Sold. Haste hence, great Sirs, your Royal persons save,
Sold. For the event of war no mortal knows:
Sold. The Army, wrangling for the gold you gave,
Sold. First fell to words, and then to handy-blows. [Exit.

2 King. O dangerous estate of Soveraign pow'r!
2 King.Obnoxious to the change of every hour.

1 King. Let us for shelter in our Cabinet stay:
1 King.Perhaps these threat'ning storms may pass away. [Exeunt.

Johns. But, Mr. Bayes, did not you promise us, just now, to make Amarillis speak very well?
