Page:The Rejuvenation Of Miss Semaphore.pdf/111

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she started to her feet. Someone had knocked sharply at Augusta's door, and immediately turned the handle. Finding it resisted efforts to open it, the voice of the medical lady was heard in the corridor, saying sweetly, "My dear Miss Semaphore, will you not let me in? I have come to enquire how you are."

Augusta heard, and, forgetful of her voiceless condition, evidently made a desperate effort to summon Prudence, for she gave a feeble whimper.

"Hush! Do be quiet," cried Prudence in a frightened, undertone. Then opening her own door, she looked out into the corridor. The medical lady was discovered kneeling on the mat and trying to peep through the keyhole. She started into an erect position with marvellous celerity.

"Do you want anything, Miss Lord," asked Prudence timidly, yet with something of resentment in her tone.

"Oh! your dear sister," said Miss Lord, slightly embarrassed, I just wanted to see her, but somehow I cannot open the door. I thought that possibly she might be glad of my services."

"The door is locked," answered Prudence.