Page:The Rejuvenation Of Miss Semaphore.pdf/157

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in the neighbourhood, who came out by twos and threes until at last, Prudence, turning round, was surprised and alarmed to find herself the centre of an unwashed and, to her eyes, menacing crowd.

"'Tis no good your rapping," said a burly woman, pushing her way through. "There ain't no one there. The 'ouse is empty."

"Empty!" ejaculated Prudence. "Since when?"

"They cleared out last night like winking."

"Oh, but there must be some mistake. I am looking for a Mrs. Brown."

"You bet!" said the woman, addressing the crowd, "she's one o' them. Nice lot she must be to 'and 'er own flesh an' blood hover to Sal Brown."

The crowd signified approval of this view by a series of hoots and cat calls.

"But I don't know what you mean," cried the frightened and bewildered Prudence, "I want to find a Mrs. Brown, who told me her address was 42, Plummer's Cottages, and now that I come here, I find the place shut up and you say the woman is gone. Can anyone tell me where to find her?"

"I'll tell ye fast enough," said the burly woman. "She's in the lock-up, Sal Brown