Page:The Rejuvenation Of Miss Semaphore.pdf/67

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graciously, "I have already dipped my finger in and laid a drop upon my tongue, and it tasted just like common water."

"There can be no doubt but that it is real?"

"Look at Toutou," was the convincing answer.

"Do you know I'm a little bit afraid of it," said Miss Prudence. "I wonder how it will feel, will it make one very queer or not. Don't think me selfish, Augusta, but I'm glad you are going to try it first, you have so much more courage than I."

Miss Semaphore merely grunted in reply.

"Where is the bottle, Augusta?"

"In my drawer."

"It does not hold so very much," said Prudence, meditatively lifting the bottle to the light.

"It does not, and oh! of course I shall require more than you, being older."

"But I paid for half," said Prudence mildly.

"Even so, it is quite fair. Less than half will have as much effect on you as the rest on me. We shall then be both of an age, and that will be much pleasanter. Don't you think so?"