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possession of an autograph letter of yours to Mrs. Emsworth. The following phrases may recall it to your mind:

' “ I loved you more than ever last night, though I thought I could not have loved you more than I really did.”

' “ Lilac, lilac; it reminds me of you more than any picture of you could.”

' “ You know my devotion to you. For me there is no other in the world.” '

(Then, as before, followed a space.)

' Should you care to possess yourself of this, we will let you have it for, £5,000. The money should be sent to Mr. Harold Bilton at his business office, 1,324a, Broadway, for Mrs. Emsworth's account, by to-morrow (Tuesday) evening. In the event of its not being to hand, we shall presume that you do not wish to have the letter, which we shall thereupon forward by special messenger that evening to Mr. Lewis S. Palmer.

' Mr. Bilton, who has lately arrived in New York, is authorized to receive the above-mentioned sum from you, should you settle to adopt this course, but to permit no discussion of any kind referring to the matter in hand.
' We are, dear Sir,
' Your faithful, obedient servants,
' A. B. C.'

Bertie read it through, folded it neatly up, replaced it in its envelope, and walked across to where Ginger was sitting absorbed in a letter.

' Any news?' he asked.

' Yes, a good deal.'

Ginger finished the sheet he was reading, got up briskly, and helped himself to whisky.

' Noah's Ark,' he observed. ' Great and merciful God!'