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significant sign of the times. England, in fact, consists of men, women and Palmers, chiefly the latter. If you want to go by trains anywhere, the money you pay for your ticket goes into the pockets of Palmers. If you want—— '

' You shouldn't complain, then,' interrupted Sybil.

' I don't; I like it. At least, I like most of it. But not all. I went down to Molesworth the other day. There were gangs of navvies busy on the construction of the line. That I don't mind; it was remote from the house.'

' But until Mr. Palmer bought it, you were all remote from the house, too,' said Sybil. ' You none of you ever went near it.'

' Quite true. Reverberating throbs shook the air where they were blasting the tunnel. That also I don't mind, but on the lawn, in the glades, in the garden, they were sinking bore-holes to find the extent and direction of the new coalfield.'

' Have they found coal?' asked Charlie.

' Yes; they found it in the tunnel. They found it also on the Wyfold estate, between which and the tunnel lie the house and gardens. Therefore, I suppose, in a year's time the whole place will be a colliery. I don't like that.'

' I didn't think Amelie would do that,' said Sybil.

' Nor did Bertie. I remember talking to him about it. He said he thought that his wish would have influence with her. One can't blame her, any more than one blames a truffle-hound for finding truffles. It is in the blood, that scent and search for wealth. Of course, the borings are only exploratory, but what is the point of exploring if you do not mean to utilize what you find?'

' I thought she was so fond of Molesworth,' said Sybil.

' She was at first, but she has taken an extraordinary dislike to it. She—— ' and he stopped.

There was silence a moment.

' But they haven't quarrelled?' asked Sybil at length.