Page:The Religion of Ancient Egypt.djvu/273

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Neith, the Dawn, mother of the Sun, goddess of Sais, 179.
Nemmat, infernal block, 189.
Nephthys, the Sunset, sister of the Sun and of the Dawn, wedded to the Darkness, and mother of the Dusk, 112.
Newman, J. H., on the notion of God, 215.
Nile, hymn to the, 223.
Nile mud, depth of, 51.
Nomes, 81.
Notation, decimal, 81.
Nu, father of the gods, the celestial ocean, 109, 198, 199.
Nuk pu nuk, 244.
Nuntar, nasalized form of nutar, 96.
Nut, goddess. Heaven, 111.
Nutar, its meaning, 93.
Nutar nutra = El Shaddai, 99.
Nutra, 95.
Nutrit, name of town, 98. Eye-ball, 98.
"ONE of One," 90.
Origen, 2, 241.
Osiris, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 110, 112.
Owen, Prof., 54.
Oxyrinchus, 214.
PALIN, 10.
Pantheism, 230.
Papyri, age of, 168.
Paradigms, 57.
Pasherenptah, 141, 156, 242.
Pentaur, 59.
Perring, 42.
Persia, 142, 147, 151.
Phallic emblems, imaginary, 194.
Philo, 6.
Philostratos, 7.
Purret, 20, 205.
Pietschmann, 253.
Pignorius, 11.
Pithom and Rameses, 38.
Pitris, 124.
Pleyte, 19, 210.
Plutarch, 105, 241.
Polygamy, 79.
Polytheism, 85.
Porphyry, 8, 213.
Possession, 154.
Pott on Proper Names, 106.
Power, words of, 192.
Ptah, the Opener, the Artist, 178.
Ptah-hotep, Maxims of, 75, 100, 178.
Pyramid, date of Great, 50.
Pythagorean system not of Egyptian origin, 183, 246.
RĀ, the Sun, 109.
Ram of Mendes, 239.
Rameses, name of, 38.
Rameses II., great inscription at Abydos, 135.
— prayer to Amon, 227.
Reinisch, 9.
Renan, 60.
Renenet, 160.
Revillout, 253.
Rhind papyri, 209.
Robiou, 20.
Rochemonteix, 20.
Romieu, 48.
Rosetta inscriptions, 11.
Rossi, 20, 57.
Rougé, E. de, 19, 21, 40, 48, 57, 89, 94, 99, 101, 119, 172, 195, 197, 198.
Rougé, J. de, 20.
Royal Lists, 27, 37.
— Abydos, 38.
— Karnak, 37.
— Saqāra, 37.
Sata, 182.
Savages, habits of, worthless as evidence of ancient belief, 125.
Sciaparelli, 20.
Szedlo, 20.
Seb, the Earth, husband of the Sky and father of gods, 110.
— a goose so named, 111.
Sebekhotep monuments, 44.
Sebekhotep III., statue of, 45.
Sechet, raging heat of the sun, 179.