Page:The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz (Volume Three).djvu/598

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Schurz, Carl—Continued.

 appealed to, on behalf of sound money, III, 393

 directs campaign of “anti-third termers,” III, 394, 395

 distinctive character of his speeches for Garfield, III, 396

 retires from Secretaryship of Department of the Interior, III, 397

 banquet to, and speech of, at Boston, III, 397-399

 editor-in-chief of New York Evening Post, III, 400-402

 declines generous financial aid tendered by German fellow-citizens, III, 403

 good work of, during the Cleveland-Blaine campaign, III, 404-407

 response of, to Cleveland’s request for advice, III, 407-409, 411-413

 second journey of, through the South, III, 414

 literary plans and trip to Germany, III, 414-416

 representative of the Hamburg-American Steamboat Company, III, 417

 connection of, with Harper’s Weekly, III, 418

 supports Cleveland for renomination, III, 419-422

 speaks at dinner of New York Reform Club, III, 423, 424

 work of, as president of the National Civil Service Reform League, III, 425

 tribute of, to George William Curtis, III, 496

 occupies himself with municipal politics, III, 427

 defends opportunism, III, 428

 helps elect McKinley and defeat Bryan, III, 429

 advocates sound currency, III, 430

 corrects unfounded report of his willingness to enter the Cabinet, III, 431

 seeks to strengthen McKinley’s policy as to reform, III, 432

 unfinished essay of, on Charles Sumner, III, 433

 termination of connection of, with Harper's Weekly, II, 434

 efforts of, to avert war with foreign powers, III, 434-438

 anxiety of, to check the love of expansion, III, 439-445

 supports Bryan as an anti-imperialist, III, 446

 efforts of, in behalf of Filipino independence, III, 448

 writes letter in favor of Parker, III, 449

 work on the memoirs, III, 450

 renewed interest of, in condition of the Southern negro, III, 451

 keenly alive to anti-imperialism and Philippine independence, III, 452

 celebration of seventieth anniversary of his birthday, III, 453

 some personal traits of, manifested in the home circle, III, 454

 last days of, III, 455

Schurz, Christian, father of Carl, I, 3, 7, 17, 23, 25-29, 41 et seq; 83 et seq

 seeks Carl at Rastatt, 233 et seq

Schurz, Herbert, death of, III, 454

Schurz, Heribert, I, 22, 23, 40

Schurz, Margaretha (Meyer), wife of Carl, I, 401; II, 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 49, 72, 234, 247, 329, 330; III, 334, 335

 death of, III, 366

Schützenfest, the, I, 11, 45-49, 81-83

Schwaben, Johann von, I, 239

Schwartz aids Kinkel, I, 319

Schwarzenberg, Prince Felix, I, 164

Schweinitz, Count von, II, 339

Scott, General Winfield, military judgment of, II, 230, 231, 236, 333

Scott and Gorham, Whig candidates, II, 6

Scott, Walter, II, 10

Sebastiani, General Horace François, I, 6

Sebastiano, Infante Don, II, 299

Sedgwick, General John, II, 410, 429; III, 21, 22

Selz, I, 232

Serrano, General Francisco, II, 295, 296

 regency of, II, 300

Seven Mountains, the, II, 121

Seward, William E., description of, II, 33

 Presidential candidate, II, 171, 173-179, 183

 defeat of, II, 184-191, 221, 222, 241

 anti-slavery attitude of, II, 211, 212, 279, 280, 282, 325

 Secretary of State, II, 221, 236

 opposed to appointment of Schurz, II, 221-223, 229, 299, 330

 attempts to control administration, II, 237, 238, 241-243, 279, 280

 foreign policy of, II, 275, 280-283, 287, 288

 wise Mexican policy of, II, 301, 302

 letter of, to Schurz, II, 302-304

 on Trent affair, II, 310

 pleased with Schurz’s services, II, 329, 330; III, 203, 213, 240, 243, 251

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