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European culture to wich it was first applied ; that was not so much a reawa- kening as an overturn and reversal, a seizure of Christianised, Teutonised, feuda- lised Europe by the old Graeco-Latin spirit and form with all the complex and momentous results which came from it. That is certainly not a type of renaissance that is at all possible in India. There is a closer resemblance to the recent Celtic movement in Ireland, the attempt of a reawakened national spirit to find a new impulse of self-expression which shall give the spiritual force for a great reshaping and rebuilding : in Ireland this was dis- covered by a return to the Celtic spirit and culture after a long period of eclipsing English influences, and in India something of the same kind of movement is appear- ing and has especially taken a pronounced turn since the political outburst of 1905. But even here the analogy does not give the whole truth.

We have to see moreover that the