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Vk(ir o/i!ie renain^pni . * ui must be i iivure this spint. t]A< hiLrlier "icv hi,, till* ' t?eu-j of o pot?ntirlit’ ^aure H . r .ar"' , " a flomi- na;u } o'^re'" in i/nrIL liat to that rr’u'i ol it: ;{ 1 yet or/y vauueh nAike

" e 1<5 of Intlian aciiua is still a*ikeu ,itj^>ri>Ccv^bn^uu'”lerthe impicb*^ of t le i^uropcan motive aii»l method and, b ^aiisc there is a spirit w'ithiu us to which they are ioreign, the action is poor in wilk feeble in form and inefiective in rcsalti?, foi^ it docs ntit come from the roots of our being. <mlvinafew flireetiotis is there some clear light of self-knowledge. It is when a greater light prevails and becomes general that we sliail be able to speak, not only in pros{)ect but in fact, of the renaissance of
