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but three of them as of the first order of import mee. It reawakaned a free nativity of the intellect which, though at last con- ned within very narrow Lounls and derivative in its ideas? is now sprelling to all subjects of human and inierc'-t and i« apivina, itself with an it creasing furiosity mnl a growing orij.iu it' to ev^ry ricLi it sei^as. This is bting- ing back to the Jndiaai mind its old un resting thirst for all kinds of knovvledgi* and must restore to it licforc long the width of its range and the depth and flexible power ot its action; and it ha- opened to it the full scope of the critical faculty of the human mind, its passion for exhaustive observation and eman- cipated judgment which, in older times exercised only by a few and within limit«, has now become an essential equipment of the intellect. These things the imita- tive period did not itself carry very far, but it cast the germ which we now set

beginning to fructify more richly. Second-