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express, and this soul, self divine presence in the world it holds to be that which man has ever to try to see and recognist through all appearances, to unite his thought and life vntk it and in it to find his unity with his fellows. This alters necessarily our whole normal view of things ; even in preserving ail the aims of human life, it will give them a different sense and direction.

We aim at the health and vigour of the body ; but with what object ? For its own sake, will be the ordinary reply, be-cause it is worth having ; or else that we may have long life and sound bassis for our intellectual, vital, emotional satisfac-tions. Yes, for its own sake, in a way, but in this sense that the physical too is an expression of the spirit and its perfec-tion is worth having, is part of the dharma of the complete human living ; but still more as a basis for all that higher activity which ends in the discovery and expression of the divine self in man, Cari-