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No. 871 .

The Reproaches.




 \new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\new Staff << \mark \markup "Choir I." \time 4/2
  \new Voice = "Sop" \relative e' { \stemUp e2.^\mf e4 g2 e |
    e e4 a f2. f4 | e2 r4 e e e e a |
    \time 3/2 a4. gis8 gis1 |
    e2^(^\p^\< g2.) f4\> e1.^\fermata \bar "||"
    \time 4/2 r2\! r4 e^\mf g a | \time 3/2 a2 g c ^~ |
    \time 4/2 \tuplet 3/2 { c4 b a } b g a2 g ^~ |
    g4 r f2^\p f4 g a4. a8 |
    g2 f4 d d1 | \time 2/2 e\fermata \bar "||" \break
    \time 4/2 \mark \markup "Choir II." a2^\p a g1 |
    f2 f4 f f2 e | c'^\markup \italic "cres." a1 a4 c |
    d1^\f^\> c | r2\! f,^\p^\< g a\! ^~ |
    a4 f^\> e2 e1\!^\fermata \bar "||" }
  \new Voice = "Alt" \relative c' { \stemDown c2. c4 b2 c |
    b c4 c d_( c) b2 | c s4 c c b c c |
    f4. e8 e1 | cis2_( d2.) d4 b1. |
    s2 s4 c e e | f2 d c _~ |
    \tuplet 3/2 { c4 d c } d e e2 e _~ | e4 s d2 d4 e f4. f8 |
    d2 c4 bes a2_( b)^\> | cis1\!
    e2 e e1 | c2 c4 c c2 c | e e1 e4 f | f1 f |
    r2 c e e _~ | e4 d b2 cis1 } >>
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "Sop" { O My peo -- ple, what have I done to Thee? or where -- in have I wea -- ried thee? An -- swer Me. Be -- cause I brought thee out of the land of E -- gypt thou hast pre -- pared a Cross for thy Sa -- viour. Ho -- ly God, Ho -- ly and Migh -- ty, Ho -- ly and Im -- mor -- tal, have mer -- cy up -- on us. }
\new Staff << \clef bass
  \new Voice = "Ten" \relative g { \stemUp g2.^\mf g4 g2 g |
    g a4 a a2 f | g r4 g g g a a |
    c4. b8 b1 | a2^\p^\<^( bes2.) a4\> gis1. |
    r2\! r4 g! c c | c2 b a ^~ |
    \tuplet 3/2 { a4 e e } g g c2 c ^~ | c4 r a2 bes4 bes c4. c8 |
    bes2 a4 f << { f1 } \\ { s2 s^\> } >> | a1\! |
    c2^\p c b1 | a2 a4 a a2 g |
    a^\markup \italic "cres." c1 c4 a |
    bes1^\f^\> a | r2\! a2^\p^\< c c\! ^~ |
    c4 a a^(^\> gis) a1\! }
  \new Voice = "Bass" \relative c { \stemDown c2. c4 e2 c |
    e a4 f d2. d4 | c2 s4 c c e a f |
    d4. e8 e1 | a2_( g2.) d4 e1._\fermata |
    s2 s4 c c a | f2 g a _~ |
    \tuplet 3/2 { a4 a a } g c a2 c _~ | c4 s d2 bes4 g f4. f8 |
    g2 a4 bes d1 | a_\fermata |
    a'2 a e1 | f2 f4 f f2 c | a'2 a1 a4 f | bes,1 f' |
    r2 f c a _~ | a4 d e2 a,1 } >> >>

This setting was composed especially for use at the Church of S. John Baptist, Kensington. It is suggested that the portions marked "Choir I." should be sung by a hidden Quartet, and the portions marked "Choir II." by the Full Choir in the Chancel. If this arrangement of voices should be found impossible or undesireable, the setting may be sung antiphonally—Decani taking "Choir I." and Cantoris "Choir II."—H. W.

Copyright, 1912, by Novello and Company, Limited.

Choir I.
O My people, what have I done to Thee? or wherein have I wearied thee? Answer Me.
Because I brought thee out of the land of Egypt, thou has prepared a Cross for thy Saviour.

Choir II.

Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.

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